Friday, October 7, 2011

Blog Hopping 10/07/2011

Welcome, fellow bloghoppers! This is my personal blog, my reviews blog is here. Feel free to visit and follow both. Since last time, we've posted a review of Allison Moon's Lunatic Fringe, and Gena Showalter's Twisted  will be up soon. Have fun hopping!

Book Blogger Hop

This weeks ice-breaker for the Book Blogger Hop:

“It’s time to spread some love beyond the borders of the Book Blogger Hop! This week, we aren’t answering a question. We are spotlighting our fellow bloggers. Find your favorite(s) author interview(s), guest post(s), book review(s), or bookish article(s) that ANOTHER BOOK BLOGGER featured on their site recently and tell us why you love it/them! As an additional challenge, find your favorite one of EACH of the categories above and spotlight all 4 (interview, guest post, review, article).”

Well, I don't have four, but I will spotlight three: on the review front, Spellbound over at You're Killing Me, a blog which gets far less press than it should. On the misc. articles, Rabid Reads New Releases post, an occasional feature which is excellent for keeping your TBR lists up-to-date. And in a tie for misc., DJL's recap of the Austin Teen Book Festival.

This week's ice-breaker for TGIF @ GReads:

"To-Be-Read's: How big is your pile? Which book keeps getting pushed down the stack, but you keep meaning to read it?"

Well, the recent summer rush had me pushing a lot of books down, but one I've been putting off especially is Rachel Vincent's Pride. I like the series and it's one of my favorites, but it's difficult to get behind the main characters. With their brutal enforcers and primitive attitudes to women, the werecat prides are the lesser of evils at best, and Faythe and Marc's relationship, though not as awful as the dysfunctional mess that was Bitten, hits all the wrong buttons. Basically, it's a great series, but rooting for the good guys is difficult.

And that's all until next week! Have a look around, and happy hopping!


  1. I haven't heard much about Pride; but it sounds good! (I just ran and looked it up on Goodreads!) I think I'll add it to my TBR pile :) (Because we all need a few more books...)

  2. I need to catch up on the SHIFTERS series. I've only read the first two, but I absolutely LOVED them. =)

    Thanks for sharing. TBR piles can be soo hard to get through!

    Happy reading! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  3. I love new releases posts, because I never know something's coming - or come - out until I see it on someone's blog!!

    I haven't read that Rachel Vincent series, because I read Stray and really hated it! I've slightly gone off YA paranormal books because I've read too many duds.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Great choices of blogs. I haven't heard about Pride before. I may need to check it out.

    -Jenna @ Fans of Fiction (new follower)

  5. I hope you can make it through Pride soon. I haven't picked up the series but I will have to look it up!

  6. Ah, for those interested in Pride, be aware that't it's the third in a series that starts with Stray, and you really have to read them in order. But, yes, they are very worthy reads, if at times infuriating. Also very adult, not really YA at all.



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