Thursday, May 3, 2012

Blog Hopping 5/04/2012

Welcome, fellow bloghoppers! You're looking at the personal blog of S.J. Bell, independent author. My first book, Bonds of Fenris, is officially releasing May 7th, but copies are available at Smashwords right now. Link is to the left, get 'em while their hot! Reviews have been coming in from all over the 'net, and I'm running a solid four stars on Goodreads. Woo!

Also woo: the Avengers movie is out! Who's psyched?

I also have a review blog, Lupines and Lunatics. Latest review is Promise of the Wolves, but Bloodrose will probably be up sometime today. [EDIT: And so it is. Check it out!]

Happy hopping!

This week's ice-breaker for Feature & Follow:

"What is one thing you wish you could tell your favorite author?"

"My best ideas were stolen from you." It's true for a number of authors, actually, but I don't feel like naming names right now. ~_^ Writing, I suppose, is the expression of your ideas through ideas stolen from other people.

This week's ice-breaker for TGIF @ GReads:

"If you could take a trip this summer to any place within a fictional book, where would you go? Tell us about your summer dream vacation!"

Eh, I dunno. The books I read always take place in areas rife with conflict and violence. Too much drama for me. While it won't make a complete trip, one place I'd like to stop by on a vacation is that totally and utterly awesome candy shop from that one chapter of Shiver. Apparently, that shop is based on a real place, and when word got out their business increased substantially. I can see why. Stiefvater's descriptions made me hungry.


  1. All the best ideas are stolen ;)

    I follow by GFC. My FF.

  2. or borrowed haha

    Following you now!

    My FF

  3. Hopping through. Wow, do you know what store it's based on?
    My Hop

  4. Nice one! All of my best creative writing ideas come from other authors, I'm ashamed to admit! Hop on over if you have the time:
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  5. {if i'm commenting i'm a follower}

    Thank you for Sharing :)


  6. LOL I like that. It's true though, there's nothing new under the sun. Thanks for posting!
    If you get a chance, check out my TGIF post at YA Nation


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