Friday, January 20, 2012

Blog Hopping 1/20/2012

Welcome, fellow bloghoppers! You're looking at my personal blog, home to the rants and ramblings of an aspiring author. This week, I had some frank things to say about the Goodreads vs. authors drama, and about bad review drama in general. I also do reviews of werewolf books, which are here. The review blog is currently on hiatus while I work on my own book, but feel free to browse the archived reviews. Have fun hopping!

This week's ice-breaker for TGIF @ GReads:

"Which book from the last 10 you've read would you recommend to a friend?"

I think we've done that question before rather recently, but nevermind. I'd like to say Lunatic Fringe, but I'm not sure most of my friends would appreciate being recommended lesbian erotica. So, between the last 10 I've read, it boils down to Brush of Darkness and Wolf Mark. Of the two, I'll have to go with Brush of Darkness, if only because Wolf Mark kinda falls apart halfway through. But all three of them are books well worth reading.


  1. Hi, just dropping on by via GReads. I really like your piece on bad reviews, some great points you make. I don't think my friends would appreciate my personal fave of the last ten either.

  2. I'll admit, lesbian erotica would be a new genre for me. Especially considering erotic novellas are a recent addition to my reading list...But heck, didn't think I'd like those either. So never discount a good book!

    Thought the same thing when I saw this week's question. Slightly bored with it...

  3. I haven't heard of any of these books. Thanks for sharing, I will for sure look them up. New follower. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Jennifer @ Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance

  4. I don't know why, but your comment about lesbian erotica made me laugh. I suppose that's one recommendation that does usually need a preface to it. :)

    Thanks for stopping by WFTM! New follower.


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