Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Good News, Bad News

First the good news:

Good news: The first of several guest posts you'll be seeing from me in the coming month is up on my friend DJL's site. W00t and thanks, DJ! ^_^

Good news #2: Since most of the prep work for the Bonds of Fenris release is done, I've had time to focus on other things. One is the sequel. Another is my too-long-neglected review blog. You'll find a review of Promise of the Wolves there, and Running With the Pack to follow. From now on, however, I'm going to be doing things a little differently. First, while I'll do my best to provide the kind of thoughtful, analytic reviews my fans expect, I'm not going to force myself to say things when I have none to say anymore. That happened a lot with the old reviews, to their great detriment. Second, I'm not going to obsess over having a new review every week. Instead, I'm going to read at my own pace, and release reviews when I'm done. Hopefully this new philosophy will help to alleviate the mass of stress and burnout L&L became for me last year.

Good news #3: Good news #2 gives me a legit excuse to post this:

Bad news: I'm sick. Not life-threatening sick, just blaaaaaaargh sick. My tonsils are so swollen that swallowing is painful, and I've been reduced to subsisting on soggy cereal and bananas. Half the time I've got a fever, and not the kind that can be cured by more cowbell. The other half I'm wrapped up in a big quilt, shivering. My energy level has flatlined.

I say this not for your benefit, but for mine. People tend to judge their situation by the relative intensity of experiences. For the last few days, this cold has so obsessed me that I've been miserable. Putting it next to a few of the good things going on in my life helps me get a little perspective.

I just hope I'm better by Easter Sunday. It won't do to show up at the party unable to eat.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a new follower and just thought I'd drop by and say HI :) Feel free to check out my blog & follow too!

    -Riya :)

    The Teen Book Guru


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